Dragon Attack


Dragon Attack is a 2D side-scrolling continuous flying game.

You are an ancient water dragon on the brink of extinction in a world of growing hostility. As evil ghosts seek to end your existence, you must defend the way of the dragon by bringing down enemy ghosts with the use of your Dragon Attack.



What Went Well

  • Group cohesion, cooperation, communication, trust and shared vision were strong from outset.
  • Strong low level framework.
  • We succeeded in making a small, tightly scoped, and polished game within the limited time given.

What Went Wrong

  • We failed to properly define and strictly abide by a coding standard.
  • We did not have a detailed outline of our classes and interrelations between engine components.
  • We could have greatly benefited from testing our components and gameplay more often.

What I Learned

  • It takes a lot more effort to create a small simple polished game than I previously thought.
  • Taking the time to implement debug tools – for example drawing collision disks – saves far more time in the long run.
  • It is critical to get play-tested early and often by the target audience.

Project Contribution

  • Implemented and tested core math libraries: Vector2 & AABB2, Disk2 and collision detection.
  • Implemented and tested Sprite and Animation classes.
  • Created a tool to load levels defined in XML data.
  • Fixed bugs.